Monday 21 July 2014

Square Pegs in Round Holes

At my son's kindergarten, the children were recently asked to pick between two sports activities: dancing and football. (You can see where this is going, huh?) He doesn't like football, but does like dancing, so he made the logical choice and chose dancing. Everything was fine and he carried on, not minding that he was the only boy in a group of seven girls, until they did the dance "show" and he was asked to come in as a prince because all of the girls were being princesses. Show me any boy (or girl), anywhere, who has ever dreamed of being a prince! Could they not have had a little more imagination and asked them to come in as animals or something? Anyway, luckily we had a suit which he'd worn to a wedding, so we dressed him up (he looked very "Riverdance") and he went along, but it seemed like something changed that day, because a few days later he said "I don't want to do dancing any more. I wish I'd've picked football."

I felt sad for him. Okay, maybe he didn't change what he wanted to do because of peer pressure telling him "This is a girls' thing, and you're not a girl", perhaps he just thought football looked more fun, or he liked it after the world cup, or he just wanted a change. But I couldn't help but thinking that he is a square peg and it's such a shame that he is expected to fit into a round hole, he doesn't understand why (I don't understand why!), but he knows that he should do something different. Then I thought, you know what, my kid isn't the only special and different and awesome kid. They are ALL like this. Every child starts off as a square peg, and every incident like this, every laugh, every word goes to shave a bit off the corners of that peg until they fit into the accepted, normal, comfortable circular hole. And why?! How much do they lose, do we all lose? Circles don't fit together that well anyway. With squares you can stack them all up with no waste. We fit and work better together when we are all individuals. How could we not? The whole world benefits when people are individual and have their own different and new ideas.

That said, I'm not going to push him to stick with dancing. He has to make his own choice about that. But I will continue to reinforce that there is no such thing as "girl activities" and "boy activities".

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